Seguridad escolar

Both GCCS campuses strive to provide a safe learning environment so that our students can thrive physically, socially, emotionally, and academically. Our efforts ensure that children are safe from harm, form healthy relationships, develop positive self-confidence, and are free to learn and grow. We have established many policies and procedures to protect our students and help them interact with others in friendly and collaborative ways.

District Safety Plans

  • The GCCS – RMSC Campus District Safety Plan was created by the District Safety Team and adopted on Julio 24, 2024.  Even though GCCS – RMSC campus is housed in one building, this plan was created with the entire RMSC campus in mind and in collaboration with the RMSC staff.
  • El Plan de Seguridad del Distrito GCCS - Flour City Campus fue creado por el Equipo de Seguridad del Distrito y adoptado el 24 de julio de 2024. Aunque GCCS - Flour City Campus se encuentra en un solo edificio, este plan fue creado en colaboración con otros que ocupan y son dueños del Campus Colgate.

For questions or concerns regarding District Safety and the corresponding plans, please contact:

  • Kemouy Bhalai, School Director at GCCS – RMSC Campus

  • Christine Farrell, School Director at GCCS – Flour City Campus


Building & Campus Safety

We take great care to keep both of our campuses safe. Both GCCS school buildings are locked at all times and equipped with doorway video monitors. Visitors to the school must be buzzed in by dedicated GCCS staff members in order to gain access to either building. RMSC Campus Security patrols regularly and is on call to respond to emergencies.

Our Building-Level Emergency Response Plan (summary linked here) identifies potential hazards, outlines steps to reduce risk, and sets forth actions to be taken in the event of an emergency situation. The full plan is confidential and is not shared on the website. Both GCCS campuses regularly perform drills to practice for emergency situations and has several safety committees with community representation to plan for these potential situations.

Seguridad física

GCCS mantiene una política de tolerancia cero con respecto al contacto físico agresivo entre niños. Aunque GCCS entiende que los niños están aprendiendo estrategias de afrontamiento para manejar la ira y la frustración, así como formas apropiadas de jugar, la Escuela toma en serio todo acto de agresión física. Golpear, arañar, empujar, patear y otros comportamientos físicamente dañinos están estrictamente prohibidos y son causa de la participación inmediata de la dirección de la escuela y potencialmente la suspensión.

Cada situación disciplinaria ofrece una oportunidad de crecimiento. Tras un incidente de contacto físico o intimidación, los estudiantes pasarán tiempo reflexionando sobre la relación "rota" y considerarán formas de reparar la situación con la orientación del Equipo de Aprendizaje Socio-Emocional. Esto incluye a nuestro Trabajador Social y Entrenador de Práctica Restaurativa.

Seguridad socioemocional

GCCS fosters caring relationships among students and the adults who work with them. We strive to ensure that our students feel cared for and encourage them to care for others. Our Conduct and Discipline Policy describes our approach to developing strong, positive classroom culture and address discipline issues. Adults and students continually work toward developing a sense of community where students feel safe by consistently being encouraged to reflect on their actions, express opinions, and work cooperatively toward solutions.

We celebrate our diverse student population and ensure that our students are learning how to navigate our global community with respect and understanding. Diverse schools have been demonstrated to prevent bias, contradict stereotypes, and reduce prejudice. GCCS nurtures students’ appreciation of their classmates’ backgrounds, helps students develop a sense of social justice, and equips students to live and work with those who are different from them.

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