City Grows Expeditions
Rochester on the Move
2016-2017, Kindergarten
As the population of Rochester grew and the village transformed into a city, it needed to develop safe and efficient ways for its citizens to get around. In this expedition, the Kindergarteners added to their understanding of community by examining the transportation problems that Rochester faced as a growing city. Kindergarteners learned how roads and bridges helped connect members of the community with each other; how public transit provides transportation options for people without cars and helps reduce traffic; and how laws, signs, lighting, and snow removal help keep people safe. The class engaged in service work by partnering with local public transportation organizations.
Flowers Among the People
2016-2017, Third Grade
Why is it that Rochester is known as the “Flower City”? How did it change from the “Flour City” to the “Flower City”? These questions provided the context for a beautiful change in Rochester’s economic landscape with new “booming” industries to the area. The unique combination of Rochester’s weather, transportation, and economic conditions caused new industries to form. The people and industries from this time period had an enormous impact on the culture of Rochester. This expedition describes how Rochester moved from the Flour City to the Flower City. Students wrote poetry related to transportation (Ode to the Canal and a Cinquain to the Train), flowers (both as objects of beauty and through a scientific lens), and the water cycle. Their final product reflected the burgeoning printing and flower industries that took root in Rochester. Students created original poems and letterpress printed them on handmade paper.
Everybody Has a Story
2016-2017, Fifth Grade
Identity is firmly rooted in a sense of “place”. As people moved, understanding the meaning of “place” required negotiation. To begin this expedition, the fifth grade class grappled with the question of “place” and how it shapes our identity within the context of 19th century immigration. They assessed the similarities and differences between new arrivals then and now. Industrialization also occurred during this time period, so the class explored the role it played in the immigrant experience. Ultimately, students were asked to make sense of what it means to be an “American,” and grapple with the question, “Who gets to decide?” As a service to the community, each student interviewed an immigrant who lives in the Rochester area and paid tribute to that person with a written biography along with an artistic presentation.