kindergarten 1st



Beginning the process of becoming lifelong learners and friends.

Kindergarten & First Grade Loop

Children in our kindergarten and first grade loop begin the process of becoming lifelong learners and friends. Rituals and routines, such as morning meeting, support students’ emotional and academic growth.

Teachers engage primary learners through movement, music, and story. Teaching through the senses is an invitation for all learners to participate in instruction and make meaningful connections. Daily opportunities for play – both indoors and outdoors – provide students with the much-needed time for physical activity and socialization at this age.

Crew Work & Flexible Groupings

Crew work and flexible groupings are important aspects of kindergarten and first grade instruction and learning. Expedition work naturally encourages students to collaborate with their peers and solve conflicts peacefully. Our primary teachers take advantage of the 10:1 student to teacher ratio and break into smaller groups in order to challenge and meet the needs of all of the students.


Apply Today!

Please see the Student Admissions Page for more information about our 2024-25 application process.